Student Garden and Dad's Birthday

The ship activity on Swan Island wasn't so interesting today; yesterday's ship is gone, but without tugboats chugging about, all looked pretty quiet. This student garden with a river view is called SLUG, student led unity garden. The house next to it looks neglected, maybe it and the garden will soon be gone to make room for the ever-expanding campus.

My dad was born on 2/29/1908. On the non-leap years, we kids would get to decide when to celebrate his birthday: 2/28 or 3/01. 
My Blip handle comes from his birthday. One year he looked for a birthday card to give to a new friend with the same birth day, but couldn't find one. He mentioned it, so I made him a card for the man and on the back put Art's Extra Day Card Company. He liked that, so I've continued putting that on the back of most cards I've made. For some reason, Blipfoto's sign-up wouldn't let me use ExtraDay, so I added the S. 
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Extra: Dad in Ashland, mid-1980s.

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