
Today I walked Django before heading in for my class. There I talked to the students about software, employability, and what my course can lead to. I then gave them the opportunity to meet И and our visitor Y, who took my course nine and three years ago, respectively. As I expected, only about half-a-dozen students came up to chat to И and Y afterwards, but they were clearly very appreciative of the chance. 

I then went to check out some software in the teaching lab, deliberately giving И and Y the chance to chat together without me. In the afternoon, I introduced Y to a dear colleague J who is a superstar in the subject she's just started studying: she was a bit overwhelmed at the prospect, but he's so nice that it was a good experience. Unfortunately I then had the news that my superstar potential PhD student has now decided to go to Stanford, prompting a round of "what do we do now" discussions with И and J.

I relaxed in the evening, by joining И, Y and two of our PhD students for dinner at a Japanese restaurant in Edinburgh. It's such a tonic to hang out with smart young people.

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