The First Casualty…

Is this daffodil. I suspect that it was knocked over by the cat from two doors down. The cat is a frequent visitor to The Policies and always on the search for a vole, a mouse, or some other tasty morsel.

I do not like cats, principally because I am severely allergic to them. I am also on the side of the ‘little guy’ and if I spoil the cat’s ‘fun’ I am happy.

The cat is persistent though. Enough of this diatribe.

I cut this daffodil and placed it in a heart shaped vase to put on our dining table.

We have a large number of daffodils and perhaps even more this year. 1000? 2000?  I am not about to count them, but I suspect that quite a number of ‘casualties’ will end up on the table.

Some may be caused by the cat, a deer, or a fox. Some may be damaged by a late snowfall.

The yellow weather warnings continue to grow in duration and there will be snow. Looking forward to the following week and there are predictions of more winter storms.

However, I doubt that they are a repeat of ‘The Beast From The East.

Fingers crossed!

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