Another blip of more cherry plum blossom

The depressing cloud continued to linger all day. If it’s going to be like this why doesn’t it rain?

Our walk to the local garden centre was depressing too. So much litter, so unkempt, so.much traffic and associated fumes. All under a leaden sky.

I know many people care about the environment we live in and many of us do all we can to make it better. However, there’s a sizeable group of people who obviously just don’t care…

On a much brighter note our walk took us through the Vinters Valley Nature Reserve - we’ve been there many times always the same route. Today we had to divert owing to a footpath closure - and found a new entrance with lots of information boards which enlightened us as to the history of the Vinters Estate since the 1300s.

Managed a quick FaceTime with Chris, Carly and Landon with a brief glimpse of a sleeping Madison.

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