Mono Monday: Week 476 ...

... No theme ... or anything goes!

I know I just had a chipmunk in yesterday's collage but I simply can't get enough of these little cuties!  And since I just started seeing this female from the front yard you get to also see her again!  And again. And again. And probably again. All summer long!

The male from the back yard was also above ground today as it was a lovely, warmish day.  I hope they get together soon (if they haven't already!) to give us little baby chippies!  There's nothing cuter than baby chips!

Thank you in advance to all that have participated in today's Mono Monday challenge.  I will start going through all the Mono Monday entries tomorrow as I should have more time.  I look forward to seeing what you have all posted for today.  Stars will be given to each participant ... with hearts and honorable mentions awarded no earlier than Thursday.  

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