Not a lot of Melting Goin' On...

at least not yet...

There is still lots of snow and it is slowly shrinking... but very slowly... For the most part, the ploughed streets are bare and dry now but unfortunately, sidewalks and footpaths are icy and any untrodden snow is crusty on top..making for rather precarious walking -  on or off trail.  

I did venture down to the lake to enjoy what promised to be a really colourful sunrise, and it was...but I made sure to tread very carefully... It would be easy to take a tumble or sprain an ankle on those paths...

And...Quel surpris! I came across an intact snowman down there worthy of a blip (extra removed). I had planned on taking a photo of the very creative one across the street, the one with a huge head and towering top hat also made of snow, but by this morning, it had lost both head and hat! I noticed that no-one had rushed to put him back together.. obviously no heroic measures were taken.....but then, he did have his "day in the sun" - which, ironically, may have been the cause of his demise? I hope the less flamboyant and  hatless snowman by the lake has a better time of it! 

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