Slow Horse

There's often something different to blip even on a routine wander down to the shops. I've never seen a horse walking through the town before. I must admit I had to up the saturation of the horse and rider a bit to make them stand out, and also had to take the blue colour out of the parked car. Then there was the food waste bin and the man behind the cars ...

We're off to church this evening for a history talk, should be interesting. We're hoping the decorator is going to pop in while we are out to put a first coat of wood stain on part of the staircase. He was supposed to do this yesterday while we were at the theatre, but he got detained elsewhere. The plan is still for him to finish to job over the weekend while we are down in London.

One year ago:
Can't believe another year has flown by. Yesterday our friends said the barn which burned down is taking shape again and the couple who are doing the conversion are aiming to move into part of it soon.

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