Desk bound

.... hence the lack of steps !

The reasons being 1) being on hold to HMRC to get the 18 digit code I needed to make a online payment for voluntary class 3 NI contributions and 2) clustering my DNA matches using the Leeds Methodology and then building up a tree for one match to see if I could find candidates for the unknown father of my great grandmother.

The later was started whilst on hold for 1. I also needle-felted a gnome, finalised my needle-felted Robin and sketched the gnomes I’d made recently. In order to make the voluntary payments worthwhile I need to live for at least two years after reaching state pension age - better make sure I don’t have two many desk bound days !

I did find some potential great great grandfathers and will do some more research to further establish credibility. I have added them to my tree as floating branches but not linked them to my great grandmother.

I also finished day 15 of Adrienne’s 30 Day Center Yoga challenging. I am really enjoying the sequences and will revisit them once I have finished - this should be by end of April.

Have a lovely weekend all !

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