Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


I don’t mind an occasional grasshopper, but last year there were hoards of these.
Named the gray bird grasshopper, it’s a close relative of the desert locust. (Oh, great.) Bugs are icky.

I used to start my mornings on the patio with my coffee. Sometimes I’d surround myself with the patio chairs waiting for birds to be comfortable enough to show their little faces. I’ve started doing it again. Today was really chill. I was reading and was so still that I had cardinals, verdin and thrashers stop by for some grape jelly. And a hummingbird came onto the patio collecting wee pieces of fuzz for its nest. Beautiful way to start a day.
A grasshopper walked into a bar. The bartender looked at him and said, “Hey, they named a drink after you.“

“Really?” replied the grasshopper. “There’s a drink called Stan?”

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