A Sunday Blessing

I was shocked to discover I’d slept till nearly 9:00 am. Then I noticed my bedside clock showed an hour earlier. Oh, the “rewards” of daylight saving time. What I also discovered when I looked outside was a wonderful snowstorm. It was over way too soon and all the white stuff has already disappeared. But I was finally able to get one snow blip this winter. We had a truly quiet day. Since our pastor reminded us Sundays are not part of Lent, Sugar and I had a Kindle day. I chose a very light read, “The Beekeeper of Elderflower Grove”. Our woodpecker provided constant audible entertainment. My sister made a crab, spinach and artichoke casserole for lunch. That feast capped of the weekend. My son and DIL visited our mother, taking her special treats. We were very appreciative; she gets so lonely and we will be gone for a week. This crew is currently napping - thankful for a bit of down time. Sure hope you got in a few winks this weekend. Thanks for dropping by. We had a discussion on all the good things that come from blipping; getting to know all you kind folks was at the top of the list. Stay well. "The snow was too light to stay, the ground too warm to keep it. And the strange spring snow fell only in that golden moment of dawn, the turning of the page between night and day.” — Shannon Hale

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