Family day

I just got home from the harrowing drive between Manda's home and my own, in driving rain, in the dark, when I could barely make out the lane lines.  I don't like to drive at night, but this was ridiculous.  It was not a great ending to a really lovely visit with the twins and Levi and Manda and Andrew and Sarah and Nick.  I got to hold Levi and to feed him a bottle later; he's much bigger than when I first met him and has a pronounced chin in a sweet face.  Sam and Max are on the brink of becoming "threenagers," constantly asking "why" and being defiant.  In Extra is a photo of Andrew reading to them; I also got the opportunity to read The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar with them on my lap, which I really enjoyed.  With any luck everyone will be completely well by next Sunday so we can all get together safely.

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