
Spent the morning working in this border, digging some more out, splitting a few things up and moving it all around. Not sure if it will look any better than last year but hopefully things are in better places. That’s the beauty of perennials - they don’t mind being moved around. It looks rather bare now that all the growth from last year has been trimmed, but hopefully this years growth will be on its way very soon.

Then off to pottery this afternoon. Arrived to find that we had to be very quiet for the first 45 minutes because there was a performance of Macbeth going on in another part of the pottery! We’d usually start by slapping clay around very loudly, but the the tutor gave us a throwing demo instead before we got the all clear. Very annoying that it had been timed to overlap with our class - I think I might send an email to request they don’t do that again. We’re paying customers as well!

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