From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Sorry! This is a rubbish blip!

Well, it wasn't the best start to the week. McDonalds was open as usual today so I went in to kill time with my usual cuppa. There was a crowd of hoodies in one corner. It could have been a monks' convention I suppose? I resisted the temptation to take a surreptitious picture as carrying my bag of jars of lemon tea, Kindle, shoulder bag, tea with milk and serviette balanced on top, I tripped over the end of my big umbrella dropping everything except my hot tea on the floor. One of jars rolled across the floor towards the hoodie lot so I retrieved it quickly and slunk to a nearby seat with a face so red I was steaming up all the windows and causing my tea to bubble frantically...


The morning passed without any grief. I am still working for the council after my annual appraisal so I have survived another year. To celebrate the fact I haven't been sacked, Nuzhat and I went to McDonalds for lunch/rubbish.

We went to John Lewis after that where she bought three sensible looking water bottles for her three children and I got an Angry Birds one for myself! They told me at the hospital to drink lots of water so I wanted something to carry around.

I had a choice of pictures today :-

Legs in Touchwood Shopping Centre (not as interesting as it sounds);
The back of someone's head on the bus;
My left knee;
An upside down squirrel hanging off a bird feeder;
Two starling;
Three pigeons;
One blue tit's arse and a PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE!!!!

I was lying about the partridge.

I decided on this pile of rubbish at the corner of my road. Nice eh?

Track? Let's dedicate this to McDonalds with the theme tune to True Blood from Jace Everett - Bad Things

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