
We were trying two activities at my u3a craft group today - crocheting flowers and making boxes. I was considerably better at the later than the former. 

Ay my Gaelic Conversation Class this morning I learnt (amongst other things) that the Gaelic for crafting group is buidheann-ciùrd (an example of the Genitive case - tricky initially to get to grips with but very useful).

I also attended am Scottish Ballet Meet the Dancers webinar - I really enjoying listening to the dancers talking about their experiences and the shows they are currently rehearsing. 

*** Detailed genealogy alert *** 
In between times I have been unravelling my family tree (I should really do the same with my crocheting). I realised that in my keeness to find my unknown great great grandfather that I'd assumed that he must be the link with the DNA match I am exploring and focused on her paternal line. However on thinking about other similar DNA matches I realised that the link could also come from the maternal line and may not be a shared ancestor - for example the DNA match could be descended from a (half) sibbling of my great grandmother.  I soon discovered lots of Livingstones (the same name as my great grandmother) in that branch with one child having three grandparents with the surname Livingstone including two cousins who married each other. So lots on checking and cross-checking in store.  My experience serves as a reminder to keep an open mind when researching your family tree and to consider all possibilities, not just the one you hope it might be.  All good fun.  (I don't really expect anyone else to follow this but wanted to record it for my own benefit :-) ) 

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