
By Leslabelle

All quiet on the western front.

I know, I know, another sea and sky blip.
Sorry I just can't stop myself.
I've always loved water and it seems to be manifesting itself in my photos of late.

In the distance you can see the HMS Edinburgh again which I believe leaves for Liverpool tomorrow.
I'm not really particularly into Navy or military vessels but it makes for a good pic and I like the reflections.

Made a decision tonight. I am giving up on this shakes and bars diet I have been struggling with over the last couple of weeks. It's not working and i'm not able to stick with it. When I first did it a couple of years ago my head was in the zone and I really stuck at it hence the 6 stone weightloss but this time I can't get my head and heart back into it so am not managing.

I think another bash at Weightwatchers or something else of that ilk is the way to go.
Also think I might join a gym too. There is a Pure Gym just 5 minutes down the road in Ocean Terminal which is open 24 hours. Rowing machine at 3am anyone?

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