If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Clickychick Helming Solace.

As I am working the locks Clickychick does the helming after I have departed Solace.  In my opinion, she is doing the tricky bit, working a lock or helming on an open section of the canal isn't difficult.  Aiming about 60 foot of 7-foot wide boat into a gap with about 6 inches each side is a little more difficult.

As Locks are always taking you up or down hill they give always give you a view looking down at one end or the other. This shot was taken from the footbridge at the tail of the lock.  It shows well the shape of a narrowboat and the length width ratio.  The shot is taken between locks (i.e. CC entering a lock) in the Meaford Flight.  A flight is a series of locks coming quickly one after the other, as opposed to a staircase where you move directly from one lock to the next.

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