
I'm a big fan of this spruce on the edge of the field, seen here outside the window collecting snow from this latest storm. School was let out early so everyone could get home before it started, and I must say the timing was perfect. The snow started falling just as I got in the house. 

This evening we have been considering the question, "Must we continue drinking hot chocolate as long as there is snow, or does it keep snowing because we are still drinking so much hot chocolate?" Coincidence? Conundrum? Koan? Most likely nonsense.

Over the weekend I was looking over my entries from a year ago and noticed the woodcocks had returned on the 11th. Sure enough, when I opened the door this morning to head out to work in the dark (since we set our clocks ahead), I was greeted by that distinctive "mzeep!" It was a real treat. I hope they're somewhere snug.

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