
By photosbyjon

Day 139 of 365 - Whitefriars Gateway!

Welcome to day 139 of 365 (Finished image after Editing)

The original photo was taken in the Much Park Street area of Coventry City centre. The image is of Whitefriars Gate. This Gatehouse was an outer Gateway leading to the Whitefriars friary. It was built during the 14th Century. Ron Morgan gave the Gatehouse one of it's more recent uses by turning the building into as a Toy Museum in 1973. After Ron died in 2007 the city council closed the Gatehouse and started further restorations of the building. The Gatehouse was set on fire by arsonists in 2009. The roof and floors in the back were damaged. The building is currently for Sale or To Let on a long Lease via Coventry City Council.

The Gatehouse is classed as a Grade II* listed building. The Gate is number 12 on my list of 24 (Grade II*) Listed buildings in Coventry that I hope to photograph.

As always the shot was taken with my iPhone 5. The photo was taken using the camera App Mattebox for iPhone. The original image can be found here: Unedited original Image.

First of all I used the app Handy Photo to edit the image. The edits were made by cloning away the more modern elements from the Gate, such as the TV aerial, the railings at the side of the image, the For Sale/To Let sign and the Boarded up windows (I did try to add windows in but there did not look right). Next I cropped the image and applied the Old Photo filter still using the app Handy Photo. Next I used the App Distressed FX to add extra texture to the image using the HDR overlay and the Lade Texture. Finally I passed the image through the app Altphoto using the Expired (pink highlights) Toy Camera Frame.

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