Contending For The Faith

This morning at FBC, we were a little uncertain about the weather, but there were some  other things we were sure about as we joined our hearts and voices in congregational praise to begin our service.  We were sure about the about the blessing of seeing a six year old boy coming to be baptized on his birthday after having accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior recently.  We were sure about the blessing of hearing the choir, orchestra and all our fine musicians as they presented the joyful and affirming anthem, "The Lord Is The Strength Of My Life".  And, we were certainly sure of the blessing of having Pastor Wes come to the pulpit, after a little more corporate worship, with more spiritual truth from the book of Jude and other supporting scriptures.  Remember that last week in Jude 1 and 2, we had learned who we are and Whose we are.  This week, especially in Jude 3 we were encouraged to contend for THE faith---not A faith or just ANY faith, because there are many who try to twist scripture to suit their own desires and purposes.  We must contend for the faith that Jesus came to earth to show us by living the perfect life we could not live, dying the terrible death we deserved and rising again to prepare a place for us in Heaven with Him.  Pastor Wes laid it all out much better than I could in the livestream which would help you see it all very clearly if you watch it.  At the end of the service, Pastor Wes shared one more blessing for their family and for our church----they are expecting a sibling for their daughter----no date was given, but God already knows this child and we are sure that He is in control!  I would say that our cup of blessing overflows at FBC......

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