Place: Largo, FL 44/64
Main activity: Mon - fridge & freezer
Notes: Did qigong in the morning. Fridge still having major probs and not getting cold much at all now - today the added issue of the freezer not getting very cold and it's not running much at all. I let the property manager know that it must be dealt with soon so I don't lose a whole bunch more food! I ran out to Walmart and Publix for a few things. After I got back, checked with the neighbors and was able to put some things in their fridge and freezer. Finally heard that this fridge will be replaced (should've been the first decision as it's very old). Chilly day but sunny, didn't try to go to pool as I saw it mostly in the 50s and was a fair breeze. Took some more freezer things to Wayne & Joanne's in the evening. 

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