Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I'm participating in the workshop 'Sketchbook Revival' and today was the first day. Video tutorial online with an inspiring talk and art class about finding time in the in-between. To sit down when you have a little bit of time and loosely sketch out what you see and the use aquarelle colours. 
I didn't have aquarelle papers in my sketchbook, only/mostly mixed media. And since I couldn't have fullscreen and look at the downloads we got, I used a magazine picture instead which wasn't the smartest choice as a beginner. That is the orange/red blob you see on the right. And the reference is on the left... After the tutorial was finished, I found a small piece of aquarelle paper and made a second one and journaled a bit about the experience. I hid that beneath the second piece. Fun experience and I'm planning to assemble a small kit to be able to bring that with me outside and keep practicing. 

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