Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today I got an answer to the mail I sent last week, and just a thanks for the cv, have a nice day. I sent a reply via text message, since that's her preferred way of contact, asking about the Greenhouse and if I'm going there on Monday. Then... crickets...  
So, I still don't know what and if I have something and somewhere to go on Monday. Since I have a stress related disease I don't respond well to not knowing the plan, and I need at least a week to readjust to the new. Stress levels rose and I've been doing what I can to day not to be in my stress, if that makes sense...
When I went to the store to do some necessary shopping, I took a bit different road home again, through a little forest. I usually go on the outside of it, but I needed some trees around me. In there I decided to focus on the little things, rather than the big picture. At least for now. And this photo represents that..
After a nice cup of tea, I got started with the art tutorials for today. We where making blobs and then drawing the objects inside of them. I realised there were two tutorials/day, so I watched the second of yesterday, after todays two. It's relaxing to draw and both techniques (the one from yesterday and the blobs today) are really inspiring. :)

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