Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Todays exercise in the Sketchbook revival workshop. It was very meditative and much needed.
I finally got an answer to where I'm going... it's not the greenhouse, unfortunately, it's another place... some 'social workplace' with a garden and a large house. I feel a bit defeated... I want to move forward and they want me in a place where I'll stand still. They think this will be an excellent place for me to develop. And, I'm asking myself what I'm going to develop in? Taking care of a house garden? Done that... Teaching English? Done that - sort of. Putting up wallpaper? That's developing! I'll put that in my CV for sure!! (ironic tone...). It's a cross town and I'm going to have to change bus and it takes about an hour to go from home to there. My new supervisor told me that she didn't even ask the greenhouse because there're no possibilities for me to grow there. I don't agree. I hope I can tell my supervisor if I don't feel like this is a place for me, but I don't know... and all new people... 
I really hope I'm going to get a changed opinion and feel foolish posting this rant, but... I guess I was looking forward to getting back to the greenhouse and now I'm just sad. 

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