Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I'm so happy I decided to go out today, and not just go a short walk but to go into the forest. The sun was shining and it really felt like spring in the air. And I went further than planned. I got caught up in taking photos. :)
Then I went to the shop and when I walked back home I found a bee on the ground. I managed to coax it up to a piece of paper so I could carry it to a better place. Tried to get it to crawl beneath the bark of a one, but it had other plans, tried to fly and fell to the ground. So I tried again to help it. No flower in sight... I left the bee and walked home. Made some sugar water and hurried back. It didn't react to the sugar water and I thought it had died. When I lifted the piece of bark and looked at it... It moved, almost not visible movements, but it did move! I took the bee with me home and it now sleeps in my very small greenhouse, in a piece of styrofoam (that belonged to my telescope), with some other protective materials around it. I hope it survives the night and is awake when I come home tomorrow. Next week will be much colder so it has to find a protective home for next week... If it hasn't woken up, it will stay with me and I'm going to make a home for it in my larger greenhouse, that has even more protection from the cold. 

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