Chionodoxa Luciliae Again

It's that time of year again when these tiny flowers appear in the garden. Glory of the Snow apparently, which is a lot easier to say and spell.

And on the subject of gardening, the gardener came back today. I was going to chase him up but he beat me to it before I could message him.

This morning we booked some flights and the hotel for Munich next month. The air fare is half the price we paid last July, but the hotels are double last year's prices. Daughter#2 tells me it is probably something to do with Frühlingsfest (the spring version of Octoberfest).

The camera club visit to Cirencester College last night was interesting. There are over 100 sixth form students taking the photography A level. They have super facilities, not just computers running Photoshop but also studios and large darkroom developing/printing facilities. They start the course off with film, partly to make the students think more carefully about what they are shooting.

I was also surprised to learn that our club now has 50 members. It's getting a bit big now, we may have to accept new members by invitation only :-)

One year ago:
We don't get so many now - next door have chopped their jasmine down.

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