Happy birthday Grandad

It's my father in laws birthday today.  He is 77 years young.  The wildlings were excited to be getting cake once school and nursery were over. 

I had a great morning at work. But boy my legs have had a workout.  The gusts of winds were over 40mph at times. I definitely earned a piece of cake that's for sure. 

It's been a happy day all round so fr. But we still have more reading and spelling homework to do and hair washing needs to happen. That's always a tough one. Especially on the whole autism front. But hey ho it will get done and dusted.  

I managed to get a few hour's solid sleep last night. But my shoulder still stiffens up quite badly.  I'm sure it's the arthritis in it. As my shoulder is so much better since surgery.  But I am having to take a painkiller at bedtime.  

The nursery told me today that Carson took himself to the home corner and fell asleep in the toy baby cot. He must have needed it. 

We have a child's plan meeting tomorrow which is a big deal. And I have just received paperwork to get the whole referral and diagnosing getting the go-ahead.  I'm so thankful I have people fighting for my jedi. Myself included. 

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