That's How the Light Gets In

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering 
There is a crack, a crack in everything 
That's how the light gets in.

-Leonard Cohen

I was reminded of this beautiful  song called Anthem when I looked at the sky today. After yesterday's mayhem of high winds, fallen trees overflowing rivers and collapsing roads, it was nice to have calm day with no wind and no rain. There were still plenty of clouds and it was unclear whether one could risk going out for a walk without getting drenched, but Spike got his walk. He does not like the rain, or perhaps it's just the sound of the roaring creek that puts him off. 

We are being rewarded for all the rain by emerald green hills as seen in the extra, also a good candidate for my self imposed challenge except that I didn't take it. I had lunch with Kathy and she showed it to me saying that she had taken it during a brief crack in the clouds. We were talking about anxiety and how one in three people currently suffer from it. And no wonder with a world that seems to be falling apart both figuratively and literally. She had a comment which I will be mulling for awhile which is that anxiety is basically lies based on projections of our worst fears.

All the more reason to be grateful for every day we wake up on 'the right side of the grass' and to challenge ourselves to get the most out of life we can. It sounds like a gloomy conversation, but like the song, the light somehow always gets in. Kathy isn't a gloomy person and I was grateful for the opportunity to have some girl talk with her. 

On the way back to the car I stopped by a shop I like and bought myself a t-shirt hat says LOVE on it.

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