
By Laviniafp

Ducks walking towards the hole in the back fence

Last night we had another atmospheric river roll through and this morning I looked out and saw a section of my back fence had fallen apart in the night. Closer inspection showed that the entire fence block was really broken at the base, so it will have to be replaced. Later in the morning, the pair of ducks that now show up every day for a birdseed- fest, decided to waddle back towards the creek via the new hole in the fence.

Later in the day I went outside again, this time to check the trees behind my house, and while there, I looked down the hill at the clubhouse area, and guess who was in the swimming pool? Yup. The female duck was paddling around while her partner kept an eye on her. Considering that the creek is a fast-flowing torrent at the moment, I thought using the pool was a genius idea on the part of the ducks.

Se extras for more.

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