
By MrsPuff

I Think it's Past it's Use-by Date

Another indoor blip today, as the weather isn't up to much again.

These spice tins came from an old house, next door to our holiday house, years ago. The house had no roof , and had been exposed to the elements for a while (there were seedlings growing out of the soft, rotting floorboards, I used to find frogs living in amongst them).

It was strange; it's like the owners took what they needed, and just left. We found all sorts of interesting things - World War Two memorabilia, receipts from the local store, from 1942, and books that had been 'presented' to the children who lived there, in the early 1940's.

But it was the kitchen that really intrigued me. The tea towel was still hanging on it's hook, the cupboard was full of jars of chutney, and of course these spice tins - which date from the 1940's, I think.

The house is long gone now, just a lawned section with a caravan on it. Dad sold the holiday house too, a couple of years before he died.

I spent a great deal of my childhood there, rummaging & playing at that house. I think it's where I developed my obsession with history and the past.

It's a pleasant memory I'll always have.

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