
A day when a lot of things didn’t go to plan but everything worked out ok in the end.

My early train to Brum was cancelled. The next one, full of students going home for Easter when I boarded, was completely rammed by the time we reached Shrewsbury, not even standing room to spare. So the news that the extra two carriages weren’t joining us was not what we needed.

The chap calling on Ruth to assess feasibility of a specialist bath was an hour early but ok to wait for me. As I arrived the GP rang and invited Ruth to come in to see him immediately. So … the bath man measured up while we saw the doc. By midday we had done what I had traveled over for. We enjoyed a relaxed afternoon, planted some onion sets and I took part in a zoom committee meeting with N Wales AGS.

Journey home was less fraught although a bit delayed. Jamie came round for an hour with my mum - and made a chocolate cheesecake which is safe in my fridge for tomorrow :-) A late evening emergency blip of some home grown daffs.

A long day but I did shut my eyes for most of the train journeys!

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