
The jedi didn't have any food yesterday,  only fluids. I decided to put a mattress by his bed and sleep on his floor last night.  I couldn't face the fire engine bed. For those asking I'm practically 6foot. I'm glad I slept on his floor because he was sick in the night and woke up choking.  Poor wee lad. He's been a hot and miss today. His breath smells like he has tonsillitis too but I can't get a look in. 

The boys were very pleased with their Easter display for their competition at school.  They worked for ages this morning.  The theme is on space. It's been raining here all day so a perfect time to get it done. 
We didn't visit nana and grandad today as I don't want to pass on germs. Mr R is at work and has been most of the day.  Not sure when he's back. Hopefully not late. 

I'll sleep on the Jedi's floor again tonight to be on the safe side . 

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