Tulips still going strong

Early morning update from the vets was positive and confirmed that whilst Phin was making progress he wasn’t out if the woods so they wanted to keep him on the drip for the rest of the day. We didn’t do an awful lot, just hung around waiting for a further update.

I did manage to finally finish the blanket for the chair in the kitchen (Will blip it tomorrow) and I’m pleased that it turned out ok as I made up the pattern as I went along. I find crochet very soothing and keeps my mind occupied.

The update from the vets this evening confirmed my suspicions that he was suffering from Haemorrhagic gastroenteritis but the medication he was getting via the drip was starting to settle his stomach and intestines. He was starting eat chicken when he was hand fed but we agreed it was better for him to stay in the kennels for a second night.

We had planned a trip to Inverness tomorrow but have moved the booking to May as it was just wasn’t going to be possible to leave my boy in the vets.

Thank you for your good wishes and concern for Phin’s wellbeing. I think he’s turned the corner.

Blip of my Mother’s Day tulips for FlowerFriday. Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

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