Three Outings, One Day .

Rudely awoken by the alarm after a disturbed night , dishwasher unpacked, short walk for Bramble, breakfast and then off to meet two friends at Brockholes Bird Reserve , two visits in three days, almost regulars. 
The photo was taken as we paused by the River Ribble which was in full flow . Not yet threatening to burst its banks but it wouldn’t take many more days of heavy rain for the waters to overflow. 
Its quite special to get to build new relationships, swap stories [ the good, the bad, the ugly] , find places of similarity and also of difference . 
We returned home mid afternoon so that Dave could go canvassing and I could take Bramble on her second , lengthier walk of the day . Through the woods, up the steps, along the stream and back again entertaining Bramble with stone throwing [ her favourite game].
I saved a cyclamen plant and some violets from certain death by crushing beneath careless feet and transplanted them near the hedgerow on our plot and then picked up the litter that has accumulated  along the verges on our street. 
After a tea of bits and pieces I finally got round to ordering some pre loved books for the children’s easter gifts . 
Rounding off the day with episode 2 of Shadow and Bones , not sure if I shall want to watch any further episodes. 
Last Job , to put the clocks forward an hour!

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