Cherry Blossoms

We had nothing on the calendar today that would take us out and I looked forward to Sunday Kindle time. I actually spent the morning with a few chores. Jamie asked hubby to come listen to his new (to him) John Deere. They decided it had old gas in the engine. Once it was drained out and replaced with new gas, it ran like a charm. Parker will have a decent tractor for cutting the lawn this summer and several more years hopefully. Hubby decided to walk a local trail and enjoy the sunshine. I went out to our neighborhood entrance to get photos of our blooming cherry trees. I’ve taken similar photos for three days straight and worried I’d miss the peak blooms. Since it was cloudy, wet and gray on Friday and Saturday, I’m glad I found better blips on those days. Today’s sky really looks superb against the pink blossoms. I did not mess with the color. Enjoy the view also. Brooklyn’s team lost 2-0 today. They had a fun weekend though especially hanging out together in the restaurants/hotels. Great memories. Hope you made fun memories this weekend also. Thanks for dropping by. “A cherry tree was coming into bloom, shooting out a froth of sugar-pink blossoms. She could see from its size and the gnarled branches that it was a mature tree, yet still capable of putting on such a wonderful show. A new beginning every spring, even from an old tree.” - MAGGIE ALDERSON

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