
By Godfrey57

Busy day!

I went on the local ‘Walk for Health’ this morning and caught up with some folk I haven’t seen for a while. We did about 9000 steps which is further than we sometimes go. I find it good to have this walk as a ‘starter’ to the week, good for routine some how!!! We ended up with a pretty horrendous coffee in a local pub. Then it was home for lunch.
In the afternoon I mowed the front and back lawns for the first time since last autumn. Job well done all looks much better ! We also tried out our new ‘pressure washer’ on our patio. We were disappointed with the results but will have another go on next fine day!
I followed the above excitement with a visit to a friend where we had a nice cuppa on her patio.
Productive day, oh yes the blip, I replenished some of the supplies for our feathered friends to enjoy. The empty feeder is deliberate, the seeds seem to attract pigeons snd the smaller birds don’t get a look in!!!

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