My darling dog

This morning Samuel tested my patience by stopping and smelling and I wished the deer would show up so I could take pictures of them while standing there bored. Behold, the deer! Then on the way back the deer decided to cross the road. I hate that but they did eventually all make it safely. 

After work my darling dog went INTO SOMEONE’S HOUSE! I was talking with my model’s mother when I realized Samuel was gone. He had gone INTO THEIR HOME. BY HIMSELF. To be fair, he had a friend inside, but still. 

I found out a friend of mine wrote a children’s book so I ordered a copy for all the kids in the complex. It turns out my model LOVED it. The book is all about buttered noodles. The parents asked if this was an American thing. It is good Karen was there because I did not know this was an American thing. Anyway, she loved the book and it made her hungry and now they all want to try buttered noodles. 

The tanks are arriving. The first 18 of the Leopard 2 tanks from Germany have arrived. The Challengers from the UK are also there.

Hungary approved Finland’s bid to join NATO! I am surprised, I was sure there would be drama and demands. 

Ukraine will have some old tanks too. The US designed the Patton tank in the Korean War. By 1990 we weren’t using them anymore. The US is sending them with foldable 1 meter long bridges that can be placed in minutes. This will let Ukraine cross rivers etc. 

A Russian opposition politician who spoke out against the war has survived two poisoning attempts. 

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