New reality day 970

Evening walk picture

After the 36-hour blizzard we finally saw some blue skies.

Yesterday the forecast was expecting all week long more snow for us, but that's luckily changed to no snow at all. Phew!

I'm so done with the shoveling for this winter.

After the nasty stomach bug (I assume due to lack of food cause I couldn't eat) I got the symptoms worsening again. So this morning I was really sick. Took it easy on the sofa and just rested. And during the afternoon I started to feel better. So even if I still get sick the cycle is a lot shorter, so that's really good. I'm trying to be positive, even if this morning I was not. I'm so so so sick of all this loop and just want to get better. FAST - er. I guess after 4 months fast is not an option anymore. :-D

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