If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Wren ( Troglodytes troglodytes )

This morning as I drew the blinds there was this little fella sitting on the fence and making that incredibly loud song Wrens have.  With the blinds only partly open I wondered if it would wait for me to get the camera.  Fortunately, there was a camera with a long lens at the other end of the room.  By the time I got back, the song was declining and the beak wasn't opening as far, still, I got a shot.

The scientific name means cave dweller.  This is because of the way they nest, they either find a cavity (you will find photos of them nesting in al sorts of discarded items) or they find a hollow in a bank or cliff and build a front onto it with only a tiny hole for entering.

In the afternoon we had one of our regular garden centre visits, I didn't even take a camera as I had already decided to use this shot.

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