Mar 30

Mrs C came for a visit this morning. She stayed long enough for a few photos, then left again. I don't see her that often. I do see Mr C on an almost daily basis, or if I don't see him I hear him. He sings for a couple of hours every morning and one of his favorite spots to sit is in the forsythia hedge at the side of the yard. He did come around to the deck for a few minutes, but I was upstairs looking out the window and didn't have a camera with me.
The squirrel was being entertaining this morning too, jumping back and forth to the feeder, dancing, and running along the railing. Later today the chickadees and goldfinches were around.
The cosmetic setup went well today. It took me about 3 hours, and we were allowed 6 hours.
A follow up to yesterday's photo. It is a black headed gull in breeding colors. I posted a couple of photos on the NS Bird Society page asking for an ID. A local linocut artist saw my photo, and she messaged me to ask if she could use my photo as a linocut. In return she will either send me the Artist Proof or the first print taken from the plate. She sent me a couple of photos of her work, and I feel honored that she liked my photo enough to want to use it.

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