Two in a row . . .

I’m still no better – Silly Plec who should have been tomorrow . . .
Today the aquarium needed some serious attention.  The water had not been clearing for some time, not even after a birthday a week or so ago.  We thought that maybe the circulation was bad, so I gave the pump/filter a thorough going over including brushing out the flow and return pipes, but there was no problem showing, so a 50% water change was in order.
After I had put the first two buckets in the big plec decided to sit under where I was pouring the water.  When I poured the next bucket over him (or her) (top frame) all that I got was a twitch of the tail. 
After a another few buckets plec was still in place enjoying the ‘shower’(middle frame).   Even after the tank was full plec was still in place and stayed there for quite a while waiting for more.  Eventually a quick tour of the tank was in order but then returned, presumably in hope of more (bottom frame).
Now I need something silly for tomorrow.

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