Queen Street Gardens

Perhaps the principal reason that our working holidays are viable is that the Minx can use the space where we're staying for her various Teams meetings and demos, while I can go out and make phone calls on the hoof, or find cafés in which to do my email.

One of the places I can't visit, though, is Queen Street Gardens. Although, we have a wonderful view of them from our apartment, which overlooks the central of the three sections. It's hard to look in from street level due to the density of vegetation around the perimeter, and access is limited to key holders.

From what I can make out, in order to apply for a key, you need to have lived on one of the adjoining streets for a year or more. It's hard to see the gardens moving into public ownership - as I believe Princes Street Gardens
did - but apparently you can at least visit on Doors Open Days.

This was our last evening in Edinburgh, so we went out for a walk after work, doing a loop along the lengths of Thistle Street and then Rose Street, taking in a couple of pubs, topped off with a fantastic Mexican at Miro's Cantina.

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