Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

The first ice cream of 2023

My ‘slapped face’ of yesterday is now just a healthy rosy glow. Archie and I set set off for town, to return the unwanted shoes from the other day. 

We bussed down, but walked back (7,195 steps). It was a nice day, and I didn’t have my hat on, which I actually quite regretted at times, but I won’t mention that. I can’t judge if my legs feel any better post steroid, because they varied day to day anyway.

We walked through Princes Street Gardens to the Grassmarket. And lo! Mary’s Milk Bar was open, and there wasn’t a queue! So we shared our first ice cream of 2023. Archie sat with his chin on my leg, gazing lovingly (at the ice cream) and the people sitting next to me were laughing. He got the last bit of cone and some ice cream.

A very slow climb up the Vennel Steps. I could see a couple of chaps at the top setting up a shot with a tripod, and patiently waiting for this old biddy to hoist herself up the steps and get out of their shot. I did apologise for holding them up when I eventually reached them. They laughed. Another couple were quite taken with Archie, and wanted a photo of him with them, and the castle in the background.

Home in plenty of time to watch the England v Italy Six Nations match. A coffee and a passable blueberry muffin revived me.

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