
By pensionspoet

A 'rest' day

That was the plan.

While Jon and Henry were at archery I prepared beef casserole in the ow cooker, then made some chocolate chip cookies ready for our visitors.

We were joined by our lovely friends Claire and Alasdair who had decided on a day trip to the seaside from their home in Linton. We had coffee, biscuits and a couple of hours chatting.

In the afternoon Jon decided to tackle the tree that has slowly been making its way into our garden from nextdoor. Heavy with ivy, and crisscrossed by other plum and ash saplings and suckers, plus bigger leaning trunks strangled by the ivy, it all needs to come down. Jon got the main tree down and I tried to break as much up for the brown bin, as possible. How can one small tree completely fill the garden once cut down?! Not so small after all. A job done though.

We had dinner then I did a bit more on my family tree chart. However, I think there are some mistakes on it, and I want to go back over the info and check before adding it to the chart permanently.

Now a bit of TV before bed. It's turned cold again, but we are NOT putting our heating back on!!

Great Expectations now.

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