jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Solar System

This is our finished Solar System display, which Bean has helped make over the past three weeks. We've got a little workbook to look at as well now which should be interesting.

The boys have been funny this afternoon while I've been out, Bean running over the sofas shouting "daddy I've got something to show you!" then running and jumping and shouting "look, my trousers are falling down!" Bahahaha :D And Bear, while Steve was upstairs writing emails, would be happily watching whatever DVD was on, then there'd be slow clomping up the stairs followed by running along the landing and a peek around the door. And Steve would be tapping away writing his email, and there'd be a tapping from behind him - he'd turn and there's Bear, tapping away at my laptop keyboard and scratchpad :-/ and Bear would look up and close the lid and pretend to be doing something else!!

Been out to Milk this morning and discovered for the second year in a row I've just missed out on doing Peer Supporter training for our local area - bother! But some great conversations anyway. And after making our solar system this afternoon I dropped the boys at home and headed off to a poorly Aby's house to pick up all the kit I'd need to run four Creation Station sessions over tomorrow and Friday solo!! Talk about in at the deep end but I'm properly looking forward to getting creative :) Picked up chips on the way home, got in, and Bean woke up (having fallen asleep as I pulled up in the car), had a chip, and was sick. Poor Bean. At least they went to bed ok tonight!

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