jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Another manic day today, Creation Station in the morning (half an hour late getting there to set up, never run so much in half an hour in my life! managed to get everything set up just in time, had a great morning too. Highlights were finding a woodlouse that had somehow managed to get itself painted by one of the babies, and a completely unexpected hug from one of the kids at the end which nearly made me cry! And then being tempted by trifle by the ladies at the lunch club - yum!) followed by a "business lunch" (haha - but we did decide that although Club cake bars are pretty good, they'll never be as good as Club chocolate biscuit bars! If you liiiike a lotta choc'late on your biscuit join our....) debriefing with Aby; then home to muddle around until Ruth arrived with fish pie and white wine and cake and icecream and baileys hot chocolate! The boys were instantly besotted with her, growling like tigers and chasing each other around. They were remarkably well-behaved during dinner, and it didn't take long before they were bringing books to her to read them afterwards. Not quite sure exactly how much catching up we managed over the evening as the boys pretty much monopolised her!

What a day - good stuff and hard stuff and wine and glad to fall into bed at the end of it :)

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