Blue Skys

Bit of a frustrating morning. We went to Morrisons to get BILs shopping, refill the gas bottle and get some diesel. They were out of both so we got the groceries and took them to him.
When we got home I went to the garden centre to get an exchange gas bottle, they had run out went to two more outlets before I got one. It cost £29 if I had got a refill it would have been £9 
This afternoon we had to move the caravan to the front drive as they are going start on the stream bank repair tomorrow 
Then a bit more sorting out for the weekend rally followed by planing up a the bit of wood for the organ.
Went for a short walk through the village and no Blip so a picture of the church with the lovely blue sky fits the bill.
Camera club this evening.
Cloudy this morning but sunny most of the day cool breeze again

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