Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Home invasion

I had the best sleep and woke up feeling almost human again - hurrah!

We thought the birds were having a party on the roof early doors but as it turned out a crow had managed to find its way into the roof space above our bathroom and get itself trapped. Once the hatch was opened it made a break for freedom and we corralled it down to the kitchen and out the window. Now we need to find someone to come and look at our roof and seal up any holes.

A much more relaxed day, I made a couple of batches of candles for Echo Beach and a couple for myself. Sorted out all the stock from the markets, sorted out all the end of month and year-end admin.  It's so nice to have the pressure off after the insanity of the past few weeks. Going to enjoy it. 

Oh, and looks like my new assistant is 'go' which is a big weight off my mind. 

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