Last sighting

Any tentative plans for today were shelved when I got a phone call from the dentist at 9 am, to say that not only was my crown finally back from the lab, but they had a cancellation space at 4pm. Woo-hoo!

I went up town a bit earlier, to acquire an additional train ticket to Thurso, re Danny coming on the Orkney trip. Even the delightful and immensely knowledgable person who sold it to me was astonished by the user-unfriendliness of the train-ferry timetables. I tried to console him with the thought that they had always been this way, since time immoral.

I was given pause as I exited the station via Calton Road - it's two years to the day since Ogatodomar left the planet, and this was the spot where I last saw him, when I'd dropped him off to catch his train to London/Brussels on Jan 1st, 2020. As the man JT once said, "But I always thought that I'd see you again".

Then to the dentist - this was just for the triumphal fitting of the final made-to-measure crown which replaces the one that broke off back in.....January! Having not been eating properly (no biting, only chewing at the back permitted), I have lost 3 kilos, no problem. The Dentist Diet.

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