E.B. We have a visitor!

Our former daughter-in-law is over from Dallas and staying with us for a few days before flying home on Friday.
She came last week to attend the funeral of her cousin up in Chorley, Lancashire, last Tuesday. Then spent the week with her other cousin and family, seeing her aunt and uncle, and extended family who all live there.
So good to see her. A lot of catching up!
Although we have a video call each Sunday evening when she’s at home.
She is having to work part of the time, being able to do so on-line. One of the things the Pandemic has altered, probably more or less permanently in working practices.
Except she is working across different time zones when over here.
Tomorrow she has some early meetings, then evening meetings.
We took her out to lunch and she enjoyed her Beer battered Fish and Chips with mushy peas!
We have no news yet from our son, but still hoping he had a more encouraging meeting with the Consultant Neuro-Ophthalmologist today.
I’m having an early night.

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