The search

We set off to catch the ferry this morning to go to Hoy. I wanted to visit the new Scapa Flow museum. My mother was in the WRNS during the war and was stationed in Orkney. I needed to know more having lost her over 20 years ago I realised I knew little. I didn’t know anything .. tonight I am a little wiser. An excellent museum showed me where she worked, possibly I saw her in a photo in their archive and the building she worked in is still there even though I wasn’t allowed in. It was strangely emotional but wonderful to be there just briefly and click a tiny piece of puzzle into place. The ferry journey was chilly but beautiful and we returned via Flotta. Lots of seabirds and thoughts as we sailed back. A quick snack before joining the girls at the ring of Brodgar… that was magical. The sun came out and the curlews song mingled with the skylarks… the peace to be found there was truly magical. I wanted to lie down on the grass and stay for ever! Instead we took hundreds of photos of stones in the landscape and each other before heading to Stenness and home for supper. I will add more photos of Brodgar later as they on my computer not my phone tonight and my energy has run out. Tomorrow will be quieter I think. Hoping to do some artistic viewing and purchasing tomorrow perhaps. Rain forecast

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